We take pride in providing quality products and superior services to the leading technology companies around the world.
Calitech, established in 1998, since establishment, Calitech have been dedicating our efforts in developing technology solutions used in the Semiconductor, III/V, MEMS,LED, Display, etc. high end industries.
Our Parts products and services cover a broad range of application in Etching, CVD, PVD, ion implantation and CMP fabrication equipment, etc.
Calitech applied the current core technologies, such as centrifugation, chemical supply system, and automated design, in wafer cleaning, stripping and drying.
Our advanced technologies provide clamping capability of a wide variety of materials that are not only semi-conductive but also insulators.
Calitech Co., Ltd. has adopted the Responsible Business Alliance (RBA) Code of Conduct to ensure that working conditions and supply chains are safe, workers are treated with respect and dignity, and business operations are environmentally responsible and conducted ethically.
The Participants are required to operate in full compliance withe laws, rules and regulations of the countries in which it operates. The Coalso encourages Participants to go beyond legal compliance, drawing upinternationally recognized standards, in order to advance social aenvironmental responsibility and business ethics.
In alignment with the UN Guiding Principles on Business aHuman Rights, the provisions in this Code are derived from and respeinternationally recognized standards including the ILO Declaration Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work and the UN Universal Declaration Human Rights.